Monday, February 22, 2016

Weird Foreign Music Videos

      Alright anyone that knows me, knows I watch a lot of anime. One anime I watched over Christmas Break was Death Parade. It's a very odd and twisted anime but has the most peachy keen happy opening and really is a false representation of the show itself. I do really like both anime and opening though and I looked up the song and it has the strangest music videos. The lead singer has this huge afro and there is a lot of bad graffics. I don't know how to explain so I'm just linking the video. FYI like most pop Asian music there is that one line in English but the rest is in Japanese so feel free to put YouTube's poorly translated subtleties on.

BRADIO-Flyers【TVアニメ「デス・パレード」OP曲】(OFFICIAL VIDEO)


      So my mom thought it would be a good idea to schedule a dentist appointment for my sisters and I the first day of our break. I got to start the day off with getting up early and getting my gums scrapped at.
      The hygienist I had was some lady I'd never seen in my life and she must have been fresh out of med school because she looked like she was in her 20s. She, like all dentist though, kept trying to strike up conversations like:
"How was your weekend?"
What I thought: My favorite character was shot in the heart so yeah I'm going through a state of denial but yep totally 100% happy, my weekend was great.
What I actually said: "It was fine."
She proceeded to scrape my gums more than my teeth and I swear I've never bled more (and that's including periods). She also was at the weirdest angel ever. She sat sorta behind me and her breast were right next to my face. Like lady, I'd appreciate it if I didn't bleed out and if you'd I don't know MOVE OVER A BIT. She than every so often would ask more random questions.
"What school do you go to?"
Now normally when I say School of the Arts I get "OH cool, what's your major."
Instead though she had no clue this school existed.
"It's on Prince street..." Nothing, just blank stares. "It's in the NOTA area...Neighboorhood of the Arts...Across from the Memorial Art Gallery..."
"Ooh..yeah yeah..."
There was an awkward pause before she began ripping my gums up again.
"You have really sensitive gums."
Huh really now, the pool of blood collecting in my mouth that I am choking on would agree.
There was this elevator music playing the whole time quietly in the distance but loud enough that was starting to drive me insane and at this point I think she was purposely stabbing me.
"What grade are you in?"
Well that was a fun conversation.
Than like always no matter what hygienist I have there's the winning question:
"Are you planning on getting braces?"
"Yeah, actually I'm seeing a orthodontist and will be getting braces pretty soon." I'm going to jump out the window I swear.
      The normal hygienist I have will normally just talk and talk and talk and I'll just nod every so often. She actually lives on my street and in the summer when my sisters and I are up and about sometimes we see her gardening and she's always saying that sometime she'll pay us to help her. Today though I obviously I don't have her. No, no, instead I have this blood thirsty blonde.
      "Well...I think we are almost done here. I'll just tell Doctor Hurt to come in."
Yeah Dr. Hurt. Isn't that a fun name. Especially when your nine and getting you're first cavity filled. His first name is William too, so it's Will Hurt. Ironically he's actually really nice. He was quick and luckily I was able to run back to the waiting room without having to report any cavities to my mom.
      Although I was home free I had to wait another hour plus for both my sisters. There was this guy in the waiting room that had been there when we got here and I expected him to be gone when I came out but he was still here. I was starting to wonder if he was just here for the wi-fi. He finally got called when my second sister was already in and he only was in there for like 15 minutes. Then about 45 minutes later his wife (I assume) came out.
"You know where a Starbucks is around here?" She had barley gotten in to the waiting room and was shouting this..
"Umm I don't know."
"I wanna go to Starbucks. Where do you want to go, I want some coffee."
"Wherever you want to."
"I want to go to Starbucks."
Geez we get it lady you want to go to Starbucks. The conversation about Starbucks dragged on and I was getting bored with eavesdropping. I sat around for another hour regretting not bringing a book.
      Luckily though after this was all over, we were going out to lunch with a friend of our parents who is basically like our aunt. She's really cool too, she basically lives in conventions going to at least two each month with her friends. She has weekly gaming nights and lives with one of her best friends (who's last cosplay was "Sailor That's No Moon" which was a Death Star spin off on Sailor moon). She's basically adult goals. I was very much looking forward to discussing character deaths, fictional fights, cons, cosplay, and how we need to finish our D&D game. At least today wasn't a total bust, even if I lost 60% of my blood in one hour.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Writing Those Kind of Scenes

     You know what I mean, those kind of scenes. I don't care if the characters are having sex or just kissing I can not write that. It feels unnatural and I feel like I'm not supposed to write it, like it's some form of forbidden writing. This is all very annoying though because there are some character relations where I might actually want to create a more serious relasionship (I don't mean having sex) just having them simply kiss each other. Honestly I don't like writing the word kiss, or saying it for that matter. It's a weird word, kiss. Whenever I actually do write the word kiss I cringe up a bit or I just suddenly start hearing Kiss songs in my head. I'm not asexual I swear.
     The thing about writing characters with deeper relationships is you may have the perfect image in your head but actually finding a way to put it into words can be quite difficult. Artists have the advantage in these situations because anything from a character's expression to what exactly is happening can be hard or awkward to write out and describe, while an artist can just draw it out as it is. Then again anatomy is hard but moving on
     Another thing that sucks about writing intimate scenes is you ride a thin line of cliche and cheesy when wring them. It's extremely easy to swing too far each way or even just fall off and land in the bottomless pit of wow that was just horrible. Writing any form of romance often is in the end really good or really bad. Even if your writing is good, finding something that hasn't been done three billion times can be and usually will be extremely hard. I personally would never be able to pull off writing something where the main theme is romance though I guess one of my goals as a writer is being able to. The definition gives for the word romance though is  "a novel or other prose narrative depicting heroic or marvelous deeds, pageantry, romantic exploits, etc., usually in a historical or imaginary setting." I thought this was actually kind of funny because when most people think of the genre romance they think a story about characters in a relasionship (often a sexual one) than you look at the definition and it says "depicting heroic or marvelous deeds, pageantry, romantic exploits, etc". That all being said I think what makes a good romance story is one that the relationship of the characters is not the one and only thing going on. If all your focusing on is the actual sexual relationship you may end up skipping over things like character development, backstory, foreshadowing, etc. 
     Overall writing those kind of scenes can be awkward and hard, and writing a whole story themed with romance is not much easier. Although people do find ways to pull it off and some are able to do it with no shame whatsoever cough cough Kaneil. I don't know if I'll ever be able to successfully write any form of an intimacy between character let alone let others read it but you never know. I mean I doubt  E. L. James thought when she was ten that she'd get a porno published when she grew up. 


Friday, February 5, 2016

Pursing a Writing Career

     I'm in an art school majoring in creative writing but last year I tried to switch to theater technology and wasn't able to. I was really broken up about it and starting high school in a major I didn't want to be in sucked. Then months into the year I began once again enjoying writing like I had back in sixth grade and I couldn't imagine leaving this major. Still though I really wanted to be in theater tech and every play I saw brought that yearning back up. It took a lot of thinking but I've decided that I'm staying in creative writing because I can't imagine not graduating a creative writing major.
    That all being said I don't want to pursue a career in writing. I want to major in criminal justice and or forensics and minor in psychology. I want to do anything from investigator to psychologist. I love the idea of a forensic scientist too if I can get through the schooling. I do want to get a book published-it's one of my main goals-but being an author is not something I want to live off of. So here I am in creative writing with no interest in a writing career. I tried to switch out and I sew and make cosplay props in my free time more than I write. Yet I do want to be a creative writing major and I couldn't imagine not being a creative writing major and I do love writing and when I get into one of those moods I could write for days.
    So yeah, pursing a career in writing? No thank you.



To my sorry excuse for a blog that will probably fade away into existence in a year or more. Alas I be making posts of things I'm being forced to post about and things I'm choosing to write about.